BSA Merit Badge

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Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club
PO Box 228
Wellsboro PA 16901


Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club

BSA Merit Badge Program

Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club would like to announce its new Boy Scout Shooting Merit Program; providing training and Merit Badge opportunities for both Rifle Shooting and Shot Gun Merit Badges.

  1. Scouts will follow all BSA Advancement procedures by requesting to start the Merit Badge by talking to his unit leader (Scoutmaster) about his interest in earning a merit badge.

  2. Unit leaders will give the Scout a signed merit badge application ("blue card") and advise the Scout to call for training.

  3. Scouts must bring the signed Blue Card and the current BSA Merit Badge booklet to each session.

  4. Scouts are encouraged to use their own .22 Rifle or Shotgun for the respective Merit Badge. If the Scout does not have access Nessmuk will help obtain the appropriate gun.

  5. Nessmuk can provide .22 ammunition, however Scouts must provide their own Shotgun ammunition.

  6. Upon completion of the Merit Badge and the Unit submitting the Advancement documents to the Council Nessmuk will present the Merit Badge to the scout either at a Troop Meeting or Court of Honor.


Nessmuk is located at 4646 Route 287, Wellsboro PA 16901
(3.5 miles South of Wellsboro on Route 287)
For additional information or to schedule Merit Badge Training contact
Charles Messina at (570) 439 ~ 2192



Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club 2012