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Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club
PO Box 228
Wellsboro PA 16901

Our monthly Members Meeting on held on the first Wednesday of each month at Nessmuk. Nessmuk is a National Rifle Association sanctioned club and all members must provide us with your NRA membership number and expiration date.

Print out our Application for Membership here:(click on link below)

Nessmuk Membership Application



The name Nessmuk was derived from the local native Indian language meaning a RAKE WOODDUCK . George W. Sears used the name Nessmuk for his pen name.

George Washington Sears (December 2, 1821 May 1, 1890) was a sportswriter for Forest and Stream magazine in the 1880s and an early conservationist. His stories, appearing under the pen name, "Nessmuk" popularized selfguided canoe camping tours of the Adirondack lakes in open, lightweight solo canoes and what is today called ultra light camping.




Nessmuk Rod & Gun Club 2012